2023 Fall Sales
Below are the links to the items on sale this fall at up to 50% or more.
All of these colors are available in all 53 of our electrical configurations
Click on any of the images to take you to the ordering pages
White Enamel |
Ivory |
Bronze |
Bermuda Sand Texture |
Terra Cotta |
High-Shine Black |
Pewter Finish |
Almond |
Copper Patina |
Soft Matte Black |
Hammered Copper |
Paintable Primed Metal |
All these below are Pre-finished Metals Finishes On Sale
Click on any of the images to take you to the ordering pages
Brushed Nickel |
Brass |
Shiny Chrome |
Brushed Copper |
Stainless Steel |
Below are our Exclusive Southwest Designs and Finishes
Click on any of the images to take you to the ordering pages
Adobe Gray Indian |
Arizona Sand Indian |
Terra Cotta Indian |
Adobe Gray Thunderbird |
Arizona Sand T-bird |
Terra Cotta Thunderbird |
Punched Border Design in Four Finishes
Click on any of the images to take you to the ordering pages
Soft Black Border |
Pewter Border |
White Enamel Border |
Bronze Border
Punched Country-Style Star Designs in Three Finishes
Click on any of the images to take you to the ordering pages
Pewter Star Design |
Soft Black Star Design |
Bronze Star Design |
Punched Heart Designs in Three Finishes
Click on any of the images to take you to the ordering pages
Pewter Heart Design |
Brass Heart Design |
White Enamel Heart Design |
Click on any of the images to take you to the ordering pages