Our Customers Wood Switch Plate Gallery
Arnev Products customer's wooden switch plate gallery. Check it out below.
If you love what we made for you, please take some images and send them to my email at arnie.evans@gmail.com and we will put them online for all the world to see. Give us your first name and the city where you live...Thanks, Arnie Evans
We ask our wood switchplate customers to send us images of what we manufactured for them. We love showing off the products we make and letting the whole world see our customer's beautiful homes, and how these wooden switchplates just make their homes something special.
This image was from a satisfied customer as we used their wood to make this switch plate cover for the beautiful side of the kitchen island:
Dan Herr dan@countrysidewoodcraft.net (413) 862-3276 Countryside Woodcraft
From Gus Eppinger
This Hudson Valley home is owned by actor Joshua Leonard, and this house is in Accord New York.
This is Joshua Leonards's first professional renovation project, and it's spectacular.
It is listing for $4.275 Million.
This home was featured in the Wall Street Journal in the August, 2023 edition, and this beautiful home has our new Screwless Oak Wood Wallplate throughout the home.