Please note that all custom finishes can take 2 to 3 weeks to manufacture and deliver. Thanks for your patience.
Customer service: 800-260-1181
After hours: 847-220-0396 till 6 PM Central time
Monday-Thursday 9 AM to 5 PM Central time, Fridays 9 AM to 4 PM Central time.

Anne at Home no designs finishes-large

Custom designs and all hardware are available in the following finishes:
Please note that all custom finishes take up to 2 weeks
to manufacture and deliver. Thanks for your patience!

Order here


#2 Bronze

#3 Bronze with Gold Wash

#130 Pewter with
Terra Cotta Wash

#133 Pewter with
Copper Wash

#8 Pewter Bright

#231 Bronze with
Black Wash

#20 Satin Pewter

#9 Rust

#13 Copper Bronze

#15 Satin Pearl

#16 Antique Copper

#17 Weathered White

#135 Pewter with
White Wash

#137 Pewter with
Cherry Wash

#138 Pewter with
Maple Wash

#233 Bronze with
Copper Wash
#733 Black with
Copper Wash

#734 Black with
Verde Wash

#736 Black with
Chocolate Wash

#132 Pewter with
Bronze Wash

#1 Pewter Matte

#7 Black

#931 Rust with
Black Wash

#10 Verdigris

#5 Gold

#12 Copper Bright

#933 Rust with
Copper Wash

#21 Antique Gold

#23 Brushed Natural Pewter

#134 Pewter with
Verdi Wash

#934 Rust with
Verde Wash

#234 Bronze with
Verdi Wash

#730 Black with
Terra Cotta Wash

#732 Black with
Bronze Wash

#737 Black with
Cherry Wash
#738 Black with
Maple Wash

#739 Black with
Steel Wash