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CAT5-CAT6-HDMI-CTV-Low Voltage Housings and more

Telephone jack plus switch plate cover


USB and HDMI and many Quickports connectors for Switch Plates

AP-RRP-2-PQ Low voltage housing for many wood and concrete floor boxes

CAT5 & CAT6 and Telephone Quickport Snap-ins

Cable TV and Telephone GF style inserts for switch plates

AP-41084 Blank inserts for housings for switch plates

Large GF (Decorator) and toggle style blank inserts for switch plate covers

2-3-4-6 port housing inserts for GF or (Decorator) style for switch plates.

Duplex Low Voltage Housings 41087-2 for switch plates

AP-40837 Banana Jacks.  Set of two in 6 colors for switch plate covers

Small cable TV inserts for any of these low voltage products at this page for switch plates

S-Video for 2-3-4-6 port housings 40734 for switch plates

AP-40833 Set of Two Speaker wire inserts for 2-3-4-6 port housings for switch plates

AP-80400 Large GF (Decorator) style dimmer knob insert for switch plates

AP-41647 HDMI Feedthrough Connector for switch plates

AP-41648 DVI Feedthrough Connector for switch plates

AP-OPODEC-XLRM-WH  XLR Microphone jack inserts in white for Decora type switch plates

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    We offer a wide range of high-quality connectors for switch plate covers. Our USB, Tel, Cat56, HDMI, Quickports connectors, and more.

    Here is a link to all low-voltage devices we offer. 

    See all our colors and style switch plates 

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